73% Cajamarca, Peru, 80g - Bean to Bar Chocolate image

73% Cajamarca, Peru, 80g - Bean to Bar Chocolate


Tasting notes: Variety: Fortunato No. 4, Marañón 54, and other 2 bars of 40g each. These cacao beans are native to the northern Amazonian mountains, between the departments of Cajamarca and Amazonas. They grow at an elevation of 900–1300 meters in the valleys of the Marañón River, where they have been shielded from genetic influences for millennia by steep canyon walls. This bean origin, widely recognized as one of the earliest from which many modern varieties are derived, is composed of numerous Native Marañón and Cajamarca-Amazonas varieties, including the highly sought-after Fortunato No. 4. It expresses a truly unique complexity of fruity, floral, herbal, and mild nut and brownie notes. Surprisingly, some Marañón cultivars have pods that contain approximately 40% white beans. Experience the slightly changing tasting notes of our single-origin chocolate bars, carefully crafted using different toasting temperature curves and precise timing. Each chocolate bar has labeled the micro-batch number, reflecting our dedication to experimenting with flavor profile notes. Get ready for an exciting and flavorful journey!


Sugar, Cacao Nibs


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